Important Notice
Dear Parents,
We are still waiting for the email ids of most of the students who have been asked to create a gmail account. (PN, Nursary, K1, K2 and Primary 4 students).
PN, Nursary, K1, K2 and Primary 4 parents, please create the gmail ids for your child and send the gmail ids to:
PN – K2 :
Primary 4 students who have sent your email ids please check your mail for Homework.
The rest of the students who have got the email ids created by school, we are waiting for your acknowledgement. Please check your given id for your Homework and please acknowledge.
if you have not got your email ids, please scroll down for the Notice where the email id and passwords are given.
Very soon we will be starting online classes so it is important that you use the gmail accounts. The details will be advised shortly.
We are working from home despite all the difficulties we are facing. We would like your cooperation to help your child and also help the teachers to make the journey smooth.
Thank you for your understanding. Please stay connected.
Wash Hands. Stay Clean. Stay Home. Stay Safe.
-SSK Management