Campus & Facilities

Campus location

Singapore School Kinderland has spacious and well equipped premises with sports field and air-conditioned classrooms. Singapore School Kinderland currently has 2 campus at Gulshan, one dedicated for Preschool and another for Primary, Secondary classes


SSK Campus 1 is a 4 storied building. It has a lovely playground in front and a sandpit at the back of the building

SSK Campus 2 is a 3 storied building with a big field. 


Campus 1:

House- 32, Road- 123, Gulshan- 1

Dhaka- 1212, Bangladesh

Phone: 01735 691189

Campus 2:

House- 15, Road- 102, Gulshan- 2

Dhaka- 1212, Bangladesh

Phone: 01713035631

Computer Lab & Visual Learning

Students  use specially selected software that give them a technological head start, while learning the basics in language and Mathematics. This also enhances children’s creativity through the use of computers.

Besides the computer lab each campus provides  Visual Learning facility equipped with  Visualizers and Projectors. 


Science Lab

Given the tight constraints of our accommodation, we only have a small demonstration lab. However, the lab is well equipped with complete set of apparatus/ equipment required to carry out all experiments. The modern scientific equipment’s facilitate practical work necessary for senior examinations.



Music Room

The music-infused curriculum enhances language literacy in young children. Use of keyboard, percussion instruments, solfegesinging and rhythm training provide crucial support for brain development in the child’s early years. This proven approach also enhances children’s confidence. Compromises ever-growing need for knowledge and the total development of a child.

Each campus has a Music Room  facilitated with different musical instrument  where our full time Music teacher conducts the lessons.  


The acquisition of fundamental movement skills as well as the development of self-confidence, responsible habit, team spirit and positive attitude towards a healthy life-style are emphasized in our curriculum.

Aiming to meet the above criteria,  each campus provides a specious playground and a specious  indoor area with entertainment facilities. 

Our Preschool has a sandpit and water-play area in the backyard. 




Transportation facilities are provided only for some selected areas. 


Swimming facilities is provided for the students from 6year onwards since swimming is an important part of daily activities which helps develop concentration , confidence and team spirit. 


Freshly Prepared Meals

Highly Nutritious meals are prepared hygienically at our kitchen daily by our cook using fresh fruit and vegetables, poultry and dairy product purchased from the market on a weekly basis for our Preschool children. 

We also provide a four week rotating seasonal menu including lunch and afternoon tea  for our Day Care students. 

All  ingredients are wholesome, fresh and for the most part, unprocessed.