Dear Parents,  This is a reminder to you all that you MUST NOT BE SEEN on the SCREEN while the virtual classes go on.  Despite our constant reminder it is seen that parents are still seen on screen. Please remember that when we are at 
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Dear Parents,  Please follow the following istruction for the students for the Class Tests.  Students MUST download the CT papers that is sent to them 3-4 minutes earlier than the login time.  Students MUST BE READY with the downloaded question paper to begin the tests 
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Parents are reminded  not to have any communication with the teacher during the class.  Please note the class should only have Teacher-Student interaction.  Parents are also reminded only to stay nearby for any assistance required, not to sit next to the student.  Parents are requested not to answer on behalf 
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School (Online Classes) will be closed on Sunday  30/08/2020 for Ashura.
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Dear Parents,Welcome to the Academic Year 2020-21. Thank you for attending the Orientation Meeting onZoom. We are eagerly waiting for the students to join the classes from tomorrow, Sunday 16August, 2020.As we always say that the parents are also stakeholders of their child’s education, we 
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Dear parents, Due to some unavoidable circumstances, we had to postpone the distribution dates of the Books/Copies.  Sorry for the inconvenience. You are requested to check the details below for collection of the Books & Copies from Campus 2.  Changed details are as follows: Sunday August 
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Dear Parents, A very warm welcome to all our members of the Kinderland family! We hope you had a safe and intimate summer with your loved ones. It’s been a pleasure to see everyone’s faces since we started last week. The new Academic Year’20-21 is 
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Dear parents We are happy to announce that you are invited to join our virtual Graduation Ceremony on Saturday, 25th July at 4:00 P.M. Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, this year Kindergarten graduates will be honored through a Virtual Graduation Ceremony. Although our community cannot be together at this 
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Dear Parents, It is a pleasure to announce that, even in the unprecedented situation, we have successfully completed our Academic Year 2019-20 without any loss of the working days. It was a challenging journey during the end of the term due to the Pandemic but 
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