Dear parents , Good Afternoon, This is to address the issues you have communicated regarding how to complete and submit the work sheet. <!–[if !supportLists]–>a. <!–[endif]–>You can use mobile/laptop or desktop for viewing the homework. <!–[if !supportLists]–>b. <!–[endif]–>If facility for printing out is currently not available, please …
Dear Parents, We are still waiting for the email ids of most of the students who have been asked to create a gmail account. (PN, Nursary, K1, K2 and Primary 4 students). PN, Nursary, K1, K2 and Primary 4 parents, please create the gmail ids …
Dear Parents, This is to inform you that we will be uploading Homework twice a week for Preschool students in Classtune, eg. on Sundays and Tuesdays. Please follow the teacher’s instructions/introductions given with the homework. Your kind cooperation is highly appreciated. Thank you.
Dear Parents, Hope everyone is at home safe. All the teachers are working from home. Please keep checking Classtune for Homework updates. Each class will be notified individually. So wait for your child’s class updates. For receiving the homework conveniently from students, the Primary and …
Dear Parents Covid 19: The demand of the Time! As we all know that we’re passing critical moments with Coronavirus pandemic! Bangladesh government has taken an appreciable and right step by keeping close all the educational institutions. We must intensify this ISOLATION measure! Considering the current alarming situation, …
Dear Parents, Due to Govt directive, SSK will remain closed until March 31. Please stay tuned with Classtune for HW updates from March 22 onward. Follow ups will be advised in due time. -SSK Management
Dear Parents, This is to inform you that due to unavoidable circumstances SSK decided to cancel the Celebration of Father of the Nations Birthday on March 17 as declared previously. An ‘In-House’ celebration will be held at both the campuses tomorrow March 11, instead. We …
Dear Parents, You are invited for a Parent Teacher Meeting (PTM) on Thursday, 12th March 2020 at Campus1 from 9:00am till 12:00pm. Please note that Term- 3 ends on Thursday, 12th March, 2020. Parents are requested to take the preferred time slot from the respective teachers. There will be no class for Preschool children on Thursday 12th March, 2020. ASP …
Dear Parents, Singapore School Kinderland is going to celebrate the 100th Birthday of the Father of the Nation, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on 17 March, 2020 at SSK Campus 2. Students will attend a Cultural Program followed by an Art Competition. All students (Campus1+ Campus 2) must attend the program and report at 9 am at SSK …