End of Year Notice

Dear Parents,

It is a pleasure to announce that, even in the unprecedented situation, we have successfully completed our Academic Year 2019-20 without any loss of the working days. It was a challenging journey during the end of the term due to the Pandemic but we could successfully overcome the difficulties and ended our journey more than efficiently. We cannot thank you enough for being with us during this unusual situation and helping us making our journey smooth.

From Preschool to Primary and Secondary, all the students were very active and cooperative during the online classes. It was good to see how quickly they have adapted the New Normal by accepting the challenges within a short period of time. 

I proudly announce that the Preschool Assessment and Primary/Secondary SA2 exams were done very professionally and the participation and cooperation of the students are highly commendable. Thank you for joining the PTM and providing us with good feedback  and appreciation from parents.

Congratulations to the students of Primary and Secondary for achieving awards in different categories in the academics in our Online Award Ceremony.

It has been noticed that the students who have joined the classes regularly and have sent the homework on time, they have achieved excellent grades. This proves that we are on the right track in implementing  the curriculum efficiently during Online Classes. I must thank our teachers for working extra hours to make this possible. A big shout out for both the teachers and the students, not to mention the parents as well!  

Please thoroughly go through the followings for the upcoming events and plans:

<!–[if !supportLists]–>1.    <!–[endif]–>SUMMER SCHOOL

We are offering a Summer School for 6 weeks for 4-12 year old students for 6 Weeks. The package contains Art & Craft, Kickboxing, Music, Cooking, Dance and Recitation along with  a newly added activity- Animation. This will help the students actively engaged throughout the Summer break. Package cost: Tk 6000/ 

We are Offering  a  Graphics and Annimation Program on every Friday for the Older students aged 10 +years

               6 day (1 hour each day) package cost Tk2000/ , beginning from 10/07/2020.

<!–[if !supportLists]–>2.    K2 GRADUATION CEREMONY

We are happy to announce that we are going to celebrate K2 Graduation Ceremony Online on Saturday, 25 July 2020.

Details will be provided in a separate notice in Classtune.

<!–[if !supportLists]–>3.    ACADEMIC YEAR 2020-21

 Our next Academic Year 2020-21 begins from 16 August 2020.  Teachers are working even during the holidays for the preparation of the next year’s lessons in order to provide much better quality lessons than before.

Parents  are requested to join in the Orientation Sessions (9 Aug- 13 Aug) for each class where you will be introduced with the Teachers and will also be advised of the procedure and requirements of the New Online Class. You will be notified about the Date and Time of your session later.

Books and Copies

The booklists will be uploaded in Classtune. You will be notified of the dates when you may collect the books and copies from school upon completion of the payment of the books along with 1st  Term Fees. You will be notified about the Term Fees in  a separate notice.

Portfolio and Report Card 

You will receive the Protfolio (PN-K2) and  Report Card (P1-Sec4 ) along with the books and copies upon completion of all due payments.

Academic Calendar

Academic Calendar is going to be uploaded in Classtune for different Sections. You are requested to download the Academic Calendar and save it for future reference.

Looking forward to the new Academic Year together.

Thank you all for your kind understanding and cooperation as always.

Best Regards, 

Singapore School Kinderland Management

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