Join Zoom for Online Classes

Dear Parents, 

Due to the Corona Pandemic, it is unsure how long we all will need to stay at home. But life must go on.

SSK gladly announces that our teachers are fully prepared to go for Online Classes to continue with the last Term of  this Academic Year, until the situation stabilizes.   

To be able to join  the Online Classes, the students need to open a Zoom account in the Laptop or download Zoom in your phone with the email ID (provided by school/created by you) that is currently being used for homework. 

Please download  attachment  for the procedure. 

Once Zoom is installed students will receive email with the Zoom link to join the class. 

We will begin the test sessions with the students on Wednesday01/04/2020  and Thursday 02/04/2020. You will be notified of the meeting schedule of your child, shortly. 

You are requested to click on the link that will be emailed  by the teacher, on the specific scheduled time. 

We will be sending you the Online Class Schedule once the rota is created. 

Those students of Preschool and the students of Primary 4, who still have not created the gmail ID please create one for yourself and send to 

Preschool Students:

Primary 4 Students:

Stay tuned in Classtune and keep and eye in the email for the notification. 

Wash hands. Stay Clean. Stay home. Stay safe. 

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