Notice for Preschool
Dear parents ,
Good Afternoon,
This is to address the issues you have communicated regarding how to complete and submit the work sheet.
<!–[if !supportLists]–>a. <!–[endif]–>You can use mobile/laptop or desktop for viewing the homework.
<!–[if !supportLists]–>b. <!–[endif]–>If facility for printing out is currently not available, please use Plain paper sheets (A4 size preferable) to write down the answers in the following format:
Name: | Date: |
Answers:……………………………………………….………………………………………………. |
<!–[if !supportLists]–>c. If printing out is possible, please use the printed copies for writing the answer.
d. Once the Answer sheet is ready, please scan the copy and attach to mail to submit.
e. You may download CamScanner from your phone’s Playsrore and use it to scan the answer sheets.
f. Please attach all the answer sheets for the week EVERY SUNDAY in a SINGLE EMAIL to (Please write your child’s name and class in the Subject bar)
g. Kindly play the Audio-Visual Link (AVL) repeatedly for the kids. Some AVL lessons will be required for completing the homework.
h. Please follow this procedure until further advice.
i. Please call at 01720205070 for any query (9:00am-2:00pm)
Your kind cooperation will be highly appreciated.